Treyarch Teasing ‘Call of Duty: Black Ops 3’ with Snapchat

This article talks about how call of duty used there already existing game and snapchat to promote their next game. A game update for Black ops 2 (The current Treyarch game at the time) had an update which put scan-able images of the snapchat logo in some of the multiplayer maps which people soon found. This was then scanned and took them to Treyarchs new snapchat which revealed several 10 second teasers of blurry designs which sure enough got fans hyped. And although not everybody got to see the teasers on snapchat they were widely shared on other social media like facebook instagram and twitter. Moreover, youtubers who's channels are directly linked to call of duty content shared it to their millions of subscribers which generated further hype for the game, despite not being released for many many months.
I believe that this was an interesting strategy as typically we only see the use of twitter but the use of snapchat in this instance set off a chain reaction for other social media. Also, the use of an older call of duty also generated smaller amounts of hype for that game and could potentially have boosted sales in the short term. It would have also meant people pre-ordering the game based on this small amount of footage.
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