Friday 7 April 2017

New YouTube Rules Restrict Ads to Vetted Channels as PewDiePie Declares The 'Adpocalypse' #58

New YouTube Rules Restrict Ads to Vetted Channels as PewDiePie Declares The 'Adpocalypse'

The brand boycott is getting to PewDiePie.

This article talks about the loss of ad-sponsorship suffered by YouTube as a result of them showing ads next to extremist material or other sorts of offensive videos. Youtube has decided to  updated its policies on Thursday to get more control over which videos can make money from ads, requiring for the first time that channels reach 10,000 lifetime views before they can start to generate revenue. Channels also have to go through a new application process to be approved for ads in the partner program. The move gives YouTube more time to review new channels and weed out bad actors like terrorists, racists and pirates.

-YouTube, which has more than 500 hours of video uploaded a minute.

I believe that this is a good thing to combat online extremism and racism and other things as it limits the amount of content like that on the internet. Although, by only being able to monetize a video once a channel has reached a minimum of 10,000 lifetime views it could put people off from starting a youtube channel and limits many other people in terms of making money from youtube.

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