Saturday 4 February 2017

Post-colonialism: final blog tasks

Post-colonialism: final blog tasks

1) Summarise the three theorists we have looked at: Alvarado, Fanon and Said.

Alvarado (1987)- racial representations in relation to the black community but can be applied to other non-white groups:
Exotic (models; music artists; food)
Dangerous (crime; gangs; socially dysfunctional)
Humorous (comedians; sidekicks; quirky)
Pitied (poverty)

Fanon- Typically black stereotypes can:
Essentialize - Undifferentiated mass-'they all look the same to me'
Infantilize - such as the 'cute' children of the Charity Poster 

Decivilize - The 'Gangsta', 'Pimp' etc.
Primitivize - The 'exotic' and uncivilised people of usually eastern culture  

Said (1978)- Theory of Orientalism
suggesting that the West, particularly the colonisers constructed the meaning of the East as dangerous and uncivilised.   

2) Watch the opening of Yasmin (2004) again. Does it offer a positive or negative view of British Muslims? To what extent does it reinforce or challenge Edward Said's theory of Orientalism - that the west is superior to the exotic or uncivilised east?

It shows a clear divide between eastern and western cultures with discrimination shown towards eastern cultures by the west. There are definitely signs of reinforced ideas of Said's theory of orientalism as the English people in the pub look down upon Yasmin as she orders her orange juice, also when she doesnt wear her cultural clothing in her job or the 'western' side of town. There are however some positive views as she is a muslim woman shown driving a car which suggests she has more freedom but it also show her helping disabled kids as a job which is well respected.

3) Finally, choose THREE clips for EACH of the theorists and explain how you could apply that theory to the clip. Pick a selection of clips on YouTube from TV, film, music video or advertising and embed them in your blog before writing your analysis under each clip. Note: this means you need NINE clips in total on this blogpost.


This video clip form the film Blazing saddles supports and in a way challenges Alvarado's theory as it puts the blackman in a position of power but also makes him seem dangerous as he is an alien to the white people in the town he has just entered where immediately guns are pulled on him. The film is a comedy so humour is applied throughout especially in this scene where the protagonist pretends to take himself hostage. 

This clip from American TV show power doesn't explicitly show the scene but includes the part where 'Ghost' the non-white character is arrested by the police and is looked upon as if he is dangerous, reinforcing the stereotype mentioned in Alvarado's theory.

This iconic scene from the city of god features several points from Alvarado's theory including the pitied as the people live in poverty and squalor but also dangerous as even the children are seen wielding guns and knives. Moreover, exoticness is also reinforced here as the film is set in central/south America and the clothing is simple which is to be expected in a degraded area like this.

The clip from Django unchained can be linked to Said's theory of orientalism as the black people in the film are constantly patronised by the more 'superior' white men in the mansion house. It also shows that they are afraid of the black people who they know little about and would be one explanation as to why they have them chained up.

This episode of south park is a key example of Said's theory as it depicts the Chinese man to be working in a Chinese restaurant and employing/forcing children to work... this is very much an American stereotype and reinforces Said's theory that the west doesnt understand Chinese culture and gives it negative stereotypes.

This clip from the film 'Olympus has fallen' reinforces Said's theory on orientalism as the west portrays the villains as Eastern (Korean), this can also be linked to Alvarados theory of non-whites being stereotyped as dangerous. This also helps to further worsen the west's view on the east by portraying them as terrorist.


This music video supports fanon's ideas of decivilizing as the video is promoting the gangster lifestyle that is associated with black people. It could also be said though that regardless of these colours, people are viewed as still being the same, giving off this idea of essentialisation.

This video supports Fanons theory as it is Essentialising black people as susceptible to peer pressure and demons like alcohol. It also decivilises them and makes them out to be alcohol dependent who live in squalid conditions and sit around feeling sorry for themsleves.

This short clip supports Fanons theory by Primitivizing black people as having a sporting prowess and a natural sense of rhythm. Also, this clip shows him as the only black man surrounded by all white people and in a way essentializes him to other people as they see him as a representation of the rest of his race.

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