Wednesday 8 February 2017

Identities: Feminist theory and blog task

Identities: Feminist theory and blog task

1) How might this video contribute to Butler’s idea that gender roles are a ‘performance’?

This video suggests that gender roles are a performance in the sense that the woman in the video (Beyonce) is doing what are considered traditionally female gender roles constructed by the media, as the woman is cleaning the house, cooking the food and other things. The hue on the camera and mise-en-scene all suggests that this is representing a woman from the 50's/60's when these gender roles were heavily emphasised.

2) Would McRobbie view Beyonce as an empowering role model for women? Why?

McRobbie to an extent would say this is empowering women as Beyonce is showing herself off as very sexual and in need of love but also glamorous which is what McRobbie said empowered women in magazines. However, the fact that this is happening whilst she also seen doing the housework and other chores, according to McRobbies theory this isn't empowering women.  

3) What are your OWN views on this debate – does Beyonce empower women or reinforce the traditional ‘male gaze’ (Mulvey)?

I think to an extent that she does both in this video. The sexual nature of the video does appeal to male gaze, however the fact that she is able to make a video like this without that necessarily in mind is important for empowering women as it is important to know that Beyonces audience is going to largely be females and although males do support her it wouldn't necessarily be because she appeals to the male gaze-which isn't always the intention. 

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