Up to 70 News Corp Australia photographers made redundant

This article talks about how up to 70 staff Up to 70 (staff) photographers from News Corp Australia titles have been informed that their positions have been made redundant. This comes as Rupert Murdoch's Australian papers have embraced an outsourcing model. This new one involves to a greater degree a 'cross breed display, comprising of a centre group of photographic pros, supplemented by independent and organisation ability.' Fairfax Media, another Australian media organisation, has additionally stepped up with regards to cut expenses by cutting 125 columnists on both the Sydney Morning Herald and the Age daily papers. News Corp's endeavours to cut expenses are connected all the more so with its printed daily papers, which purportedly draw in only a small amount of the publicising income that they once did.
I believe that Redundancies in customary media associations are only a reality of what's a dying medium today. Individuals prepared in ranges like photography and only news-casting when all is said in done are presently ending up to be put out of their occupations for the basic reality that e-media has assumed control. It'll be intriguing to see regardless of whether this prompts a decrease in the nature of news stories throughout the following couple of years.
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