Monday 12 December 2016

NDM News: Globalisation and fake news

NDM News: Globalisation and fake news

2) What similarities do you notice between the different countries outlined in the article and their problems with fake news?
All of the countries are quite different as there is an array of countries from around the world, although most have a large urban population with decent technology and access to the internet. With more people having access to the internet and being able to make money from it people in these countries fabricate news stories and circulate this around the web which is made easier by the increase of social media usage.

3) Is fake news an inevitable consequence of the "culture of freedom and innovation" that the internet has brought with it? Is there a way to stop it?

As more people have access to the internet fake news stories are bound to get around but its not as if this is a new thing, its because of the lack of moderation needed to post something online that fake news can gain attention much quicker.

New York Times and the creation of fake news

1) Read this New York Times feature - Inside a Fake News Sausage Factory: ‘This Is All About Income’

2) Which fake news stories were particularly successful for Beqa Latsabidze, the 22-year-old student in Tbilisi, Georgia, who tried to make money from web articles on Trump? 

The pro-Trump news stories were particularly prominent including ones about Hilary clinton and other opponents and the 'scandals' they've been involved in. 

3) How much can Facebook and Google be blamed for this global rise in fake news?

To a large extent they can be blamed as a lack of moderation on news stories allows this to happen, moreover the high revenue from ad companies is an incentive to start spreading fake news. 

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