Popular newspapers suffer greater circulation falls than qualities

This article talks about the continuing falling trends of print newspaper circulation in Britian.
-The Daily Express, for example, sold an average of 391,626 copies a day in December 2016, down by 2.3% on the same month the year before.
- The Sun didnt do much better: down by 10.5% to 1,611,464
-the Guardian fell by 3% on the year (to 161,191)
- Daily Telegraph was down by 3.4% (to 460,054)
-Sunday: 257,790 (-13.2%);
-Sunday Mirror: 620,861 (-16.3%);
- Sunday People: 239,364 (-15.1%);
-Sun on Sunday: 1,383,048 (-5.83%);
- Sunday Express: 335,271 (-5.6%);
- Mail on Sunday: 1,284,121 (-7.34%)
-national newspapers jointly enjoyed a 16% year-on-year uplift across digital platforms
This trend is something to be expected and something that we will continue to see every month. The growth of new and digital media is one of the main reasons why print has been declining but these traditional mass media institutions are thriving online but at the same time in competition with websites like facebook and twitter which have their own system of news which is circulated to a much larger audience than what the traditional mass media institutions can offer.
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