Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Introduction to NDM

1)The first article goes into detail on how young peoples use of the media revealed patterns on how students worked in school, related to their families and hanged out with friends. One thing that researchers have found out is that teachers used popular culture as a form of creating shared values and norms.They also researched the culture of social media and they negative representations made by adults.

Periscope is an app downloadable for free which involves people using smartphones to live stream things to their page which can be viewed by anybody around the world. Regardless if your location is turned off the app still reveals this information for anybody else to see. Moreover, once a video has been uploaded it can't be removed for 24 hours and filming doesn't always mean people give consent to being filmed which is a severe breach of privacy.

2) I believe the essay was successful because it had a relatively balanced account of both pros and cons of the music streaming app spotify. Also, several examples were also used to make a comparison to the app which made the essay successful.

3) In the past 5 years digital media has had a growing importance in my life. Transitioning form primary school with one computer room to a highschool with computers in every room has forced me to learn how to use and understand this technology in a safe way. Moreover, apps such as instagram and other social media platforms has allowed me to keep up with current affairs across the globe and know more about the world in the last 5 years.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

MM52-Article, 'Someones watching you.'

The article is about online surveillance and how companies and Government use 'data mining' among other means to access personal information on peoples social media accounts to sell to advertising companies in order to make a profit. The first page of the article features a news story on a school in America using webcams to spy on students and goes onto mention more subtle ways that people are spied on online. Moreover, the article then progresses to talk about 'edward snowdon' who is infamous for leaking information about the british and american governments spying operations on millions of yahoo users, among other things. The article ends by talking about how advances in technology will carry a greater risk of personal information being stolen and surveyed by unwanted guests.

In my opinion internet surveillance is necessary to some extent to protect users against threats and to thwart attacks but when this is done covertly on innocent members of the public the operation becomes unethical. Despite this people still use the internet everyday knowing that their activity is being monitored by various different parties, and this is because the internet has become one of the most important tools in modern day-to-day life,